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OLMC Minutes -- 03/06/2016

Attending:   Alicia Hawkes, Marilyn Rodes, Mary Howe,
                        Ellie Spiers, Kathryn Karlsson

>1.  A request was made by Alicia to all committee members to make sure they attended the Jackson Town Meeting next Thursday, March 10. Our painting and maintenance request is on the Selectmen’s list of funding requests for the town, and we are hoping it will be approved.  Article 18.

>2.  There was much discussion about the 3 quotes for work on the exterior of the OL building.  The committee would like the Town Building Inspector to talk to us about the work to be done..

>3.  Two donations to the Old Library were received and deposited by Marilyn.

>4. Guidelines for the “Use of the Old Library Building “ have been rewritten and the last paragraph changed to less challenging wording.
A Motion was approved unanimously, to pass this document on to The Town and to have it approved by a lawyer.

>5.  A suggestion was made that the incandescent light bulbs inside and outside the Old Library,  should be switched to LEDs.  This would lead to considerable electrical savings over the years. This suggestion will have to be forwarded to The Town of Jackson.

>6.  A reminder that our fundraiser at the Shannon Door Pub will be on Thursday April 14th  Any contributions to the raffle baskets will be gratefully accepted.

Meeting adjourned at 5:15pm
Next Meeting on April 3, 2016.   
Minutes submitted by Kathryn Karlsson